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Beleza no desfile Chanel Métiers d’Art

Enquanto os looks de Moda são dissecados pela indústria, fique com os visuais de maquilhagem e cabelos mais bonitos do emblemático desfile Pre-fall, Métiers d’Art, da Chanel, ocorrrido ontem em Paris, no hotel Ritz.

Pontos a reter do show Métiers d’Art:

  • Flores no cabelo vão estar em grande, no próximo ano.
  • Acessórios de cabelo, em geral, tendem a ser de grandes dimensões.
  • As cores de maquilhagem privilegiam olhos neutros/pastel e/ou lábios de rosa/vermelho delicado.
  • O eyeliner estará prestes a fazer um comeback na sua forma clássica?

Não perca o desfile completo, no site da

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While the clothes are closely examined by the fashion industry, take a look at the most beautiful hair and makeup from the iconic Pre-Fall show, Métiers d’Art, from Chanel, that took place yesterday in the Ritz Hotel, in Paris.

Points to take from the Métiers d’Art show:

  • Flowers are going to be a big hair accessory next year.
  • Hair accessories, in geral, tend to have a bigger dimension.
  • Makeup goes full on neutrals and pastel colors for the eyes and/or rose/delicate red lips.
  • Is eyeliner making a comeback to its classic form?

Don’t miss the full show, on

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